Liisa jutud
esmaspäev, 13. juuli 2015
reede, 15. mai 2015
The first story continues ...
Karlil had no mood. Grandpa was crazy, drives quite distraught. "Bye Armin. Surely something very new is not. Yes ... It can be dangerous to go. Wait, I can not! Talktime beep beep beep .... will end!" Karl stopped the call. "Quite well in the woods!" sayd boy feet on the ground and created a teddy bear lying around. "Boy, I do not go to the forest today. I look right at home. Bring out the letters!" commanded incoming grandfather. Karl had been no previous experience with bringing messages. Thus, it was wiser to go. Outside it was white, but still scary. The mailbox was still a couple of teers. Again it was a letter. Kalle Kalle Kalle more ..... We can not delay. Too risky, the ice between the boy. She survives ... yet. Who knows how he will react !? Maybe he read the letter !? You never know. Kalle, believe me, the boy is a smart bug. If you need to, you can even realize that we have to do it. The boy is dangerous.
"You're a boy!" sayd Karl. "Or to kill me !?" "Well, hello, Karl!" Charels said no one behind. Karl was startled and turned around. A stranger had large hands, feet and hairy that he seemed out of the bottom of the trousers. In the men had a knife, and he seemed menacing. "Get out! I know enough of your grandfather letters! Soon, going to the police, his grandfather did not have to die!" Karl answered. "Smart bug. Boy, we deal. I remain silent, and I'll leave you alive," the stranger offered. "Tell lolliga!" flashed the boy and began to retreat. Suddenly, he felt a painful blow. Later followed by loss of consciousness.
The first thing after fainting Karl saw was a policeman. "Well little man! Survived?" pretty, laughing policeman. "Yeah, sure." Karl answered distractedly. Why are the police here? And where is Grandpa? Charles had hundreds of questions in my head. "I've got one of the news. It can be a little shocking. Your grandfather ..." began the policeman timidly. "Dead," concluded Karl sentence. As there is no policeman sounded anything. It seemed that he had been quite a shock. Karl smiled serenely. "Everything is okay, continue their work. But if you can bring me home?" Karl said, and tried to get up. "Well, yes, Andres! Bring home a boy!" shouted a policeman and disappeared. Five minutes later, someone reached the Andres. "Let's get in the car," said Andres. After a moment, the police car and drove Karl sat in the home. Andres was not very talkative, and talked to the boy. Karl was supposed to think. Grandfather's death was to be like this or like. But he could still live, after all! Perhaps it was this stranger owed or paid back? Had a lot of solutions. But now it is too late to ask the hand of his grandfather. He is probably already in the coffin inside.
"You're a boy!" sayd Karl. "Or to kill me !?" "Well, hello, Karl!" Charels said no one behind. Karl was startled and turned around. A stranger had large hands, feet and hairy that he seemed out of the bottom of the trousers. In the men had a knife, and he seemed menacing. "Get out! I know enough of your grandfather letters! Soon, going to the police, his grandfather did not have to die!" Karl answered. "Smart bug. Boy, we deal. I remain silent, and I'll leave you alive," the stranger offered. "Tell lolliga!" flashed the boy and began to retreat. Suddenly, he felt a painful blow. Later followed by loss of consciousness.
The first thing after fainting Karl saw was a policeman. "Well little man! Survived?" pretty, laughing policeman. "Yeah, sure." Karl answered distractedly. Why are the police here? And where is Grandpa? Charles had hundreds of questions in my head. "I've got one of the news. It can be a little shocking. Your grandfather ..." began the policeman timidly. "Dead," concluded Karl sentence. As there is no policeman sounded anything. It seemed that he had been quite a shock. Karl smiled serenely. "Everything is okay, continue their work. But if you can bring me home?" Karl said, and tried to get up. "Well, yes, Andres! Bring home a boy!" shouted a policeman and disappeared. Five minutes later, someone reached the Andres. "Let's get in the car," said Andres. After a moment, the police car and drove Karl sat in the home. Andres was not very talkative, and talked to the boy. Karl was supposed to think. Grandfather's death was to be like this or like. But he could still live, after all! Perhaps it was this stranger owed or paid back? Had a lot of solutions. But now it is too late to ask the hand of his grandfather. He is probably already in the coffin inside.
Esimene jutt jätkub...
Karlil ei olnud mingit tuju. Vanaisa oli hulluks läinud, ajab täitsa segast. "Tsau Armin. Ega väga midagi uudist ei ole. Jah... Siin võib minna ohtlikuks. Oota, ma ei saa! Kõneaeg saab otsa.... piip piip piip!" lõpetas Karl kõne. "Täiesti metsas noh!" kirus poiss ning lõi jalaga maas vedelevat mängukaru. "Poiss! Ma ei lähe täna metsa. Jään parem koju. Too kirjad ära!" kamandas sissetulnud vanaisa. Karlil olid juba varasemad kogemused kirjade mittetoomisega. Seega oli targem minna. Õues oli valge, kuid siiski hirmutav. Postkastini oli veel paar meetrit. Jälle oli kiri. Kalle, Kalle, Kalle..... Me ei viivita rohkem. Liiga riskantne, et jääd poisile vahele. Ta jääb ellu... veel. Kes teab, kuidas ta reageerib!? Äkki ta loeb seda kirja!? Kunagi ei tea. Kalle, usu mind, poiss on nutikas lutikas. Kui on vaja, siis sa saad isegi aru, et peame seda tegema. Poiss ON ohtlik.
"Sa poiss!"kirus Karl. "Või et mind tapma!?" "No tere Karl!" lausus keegi Karli selja taga. Karl võpatas ja pööras ümber. Võõral olid suured käed, ja karvased jalad, mis paistsid ta pükste alt välja. Käes oli mehel nuga, ja ta tundus ähvardav. "Kao minema! Tean küll teie kirju vanaisale! Varsti lähen politseisse, ja vanaisa ei pea surema!" vastas Karl. "Nutikas lutikas. Poiss, teeme kokkuleppe. Sina vaikid, ning mina jätan su ellu," pakkus võõras. "Räägi lolliga!" sähvas poiss ja hakkas taganema. Järsku tundis ta valusat hoopi. Hiljem järgnes teadvuse kaotus.
Esimene asi, mida Karl peale minestamist nägi, oli politseinik. "Noh väikemees! Jäid ellu?" päris politseinik naerdes. "Jah, ikka." vastas Karl segaselt. Miks siin politseinikud on? Ja kus on vanaisa? Küsimusi oli Karli peas sadu. "Mul on sulle üks uudis. See võib veidi šokeerida. Su vanaisa..." alustas politseinik aralt. "Surnud," lõpetas Karl lause rahuloevalt. Selle peale ei kostnud politseinik midagi. Paistis, et hoopis tema oli saanud šoki. Karl naeratas rahulikult. "Kõik on okei, jätkake oma tööd. Aga kas saate mind koju viia?" küsis Karl ja üritas tõusta. "Noo jah, Andres! Vii poiss koju!" hüüdis politseinik ning kadus. Viie minuti pärast jõudiski keegi Andres. "Lähme autosse," sõnas Andres. Hetke pärast istus Karl politsei autos ning sõitis sellega kodu poole. Andres ei olnud väga jutukas, ega rääkinud poisiga. Karl pidigi mõtlema. Vanaisa surm pidi toimuma nii või naa. Aga ta oleks võinud ju veel elada! Ehk oli ta sellele võõrale võlgu ega maksnud tagasi? Lahendusi oli palju. Aga nüüd on liiga hilja küsida vanaisa enda käest. Ta on arvatavasti juba kirst juba sees.
"Sa poiss!"kirus Karl. "Või et mind tapma!?" "No tere Karl!" lausus keegi Karli selja taga. Karl võpatas ja pööras ümber. Võõral olid suured käed, ja karvased jalad, mis paistsid ta pükste alt välja. Käes oli mehel nuga, ja ta tundus ähvardav. "Kao minema! Tean küll teie kirju vanaisale! Varsti lähen politseisse, ja vanaisa ei pea surema!" vastas Karl. "Nutikas lutikas. Poiss, teeme kokkuleppe. Sina vaikid, ning mina jätan su ellu," pakkus võõras. "Räägi lolliga!" sähvas poiss ja hakkas taganema. Järsku tundis ta valusat hoopi. Hiljem järgnes teadvuse kaotus.
Esimene asi, mida Karl peale minestamist nägi, oli politseinik. "Noh väikemees! Jäid ellu?" päris politseinik naerdes. "Jah, ikka." vastas Karl segaselt. Miks siin politseinikud on? Ja kus on vanaisa? Küsimusi oli Karli peas sadu. "Mul on sulle üks uudis. See võib veidi šokeerida. Su vanaisa..." alustas politseinik aralt. "Surnud," lõpetas Karl lause rahuloevalt. Selle peale ei kostnud politseinik midagi. Paistis, et hoopis tema oli saanud šoki. Karl naeratas rahulikult. "Kõik on okei, jätkake oma tööd. Aga kas saate mind koju viia?" küsis Karl ja üritas tõusta. "Noo jah, Andres! Vii poiss koju!" hüüdis politseinik ning kadus. Viie minuti pärast jõudiski keegi Andres. "Lähme autosse," sõnas Andres. Hetke pärast istus Karl politsei autos ning sõitis sellega kodu poole. Andres ei olnud väga jutukas, ega rääkinud poisiga. Karl pidigi mõtlema. Vanaisa surm pidi toimuma nii või naa. Aga ta oleks võinud ju veel elada! Ehk oli ta sellele võõrale võlgu ega maksnud tagasi? Lahendusi oli palju. Aga nüüd on liiga hilja küsida vanaisa enda käest. Ta on arvatavasti juba kirst juba sees.
First story
Karl sat down at his desk. He was sent back to his grandfather for the summer! What bad luck! Grandpa and Grandma lived solution. Grandmother lived in the city, his grandfather in the countryside. Grandma still had something to do with, but my grandfather was only at the Bored. Or work. Grandfather himself was perpetually in the woods and worked. Karli work remained to look after themselves. So he had to be bored about three months. Mom and Dad traveled to Alaska nowhere to ski, Karl let us be a grandfather. Both had already been decided when Charles was born. "Why me?" he thought, and started to walk toward the front door. Suddenly, his thoughts were transferred to the thieves and murderers. Films were constantly so that the boy is home alone, and you will be hitting the murderer and the boy behind. Karl was not afraid of such things. These films were silly. But then I remembered his grandfather, who had been hit by various diseases, and for once he wanted to drive the car over. Karl walked to the mailbox. Mailbox was still under pressure. Karl took the letters out and looked at them. Typically, messages are not interested in boys and grandfathers. Charles was interested very much, who writes for the elderly, and yet what? Maybe some nice lady? Karl's open letter. Grandpa was not written by a lady, or rather, the sender was not. How like the letter to the postman brings? The letter was not, after all, his grandfather's name and address! Karlil soul was stuck. He did not want so much more to know what the letter stands for. As Karl was open-minded guy, he understood that the letter writer was supposed to bring the letter to himself. Post were usually at each other before noon. Karl angling the phone from his pocket and looked at the clock. The time was eleven, five minutes! Charles throat was cake. Letter messenger could lurk here! As if to confirm that he heard the crackling bush. Karl ran into the room. Grandpa's kituma he did not intend to go. Karl even briefly held accountable go back outside and place in the hands of a stranger to show, however, that he did not. Shaky hands, the boy opened the letter. "Hi Kalle! I thought that it would do the trick. The last time, after all! And do not be afraid, we deal with Karl himself, do not worry, he will not die. Of course, he will suffer the most, I thought that the time of the guilt of his neck. He might know something. Do not attempt a jointed, or else make this thing really gone. We have no more time. Burn this letter after reading, I am Charles watched, she seems smart guy. We can not risk that. Karl was startled, so that had to go out to drink water. What it all meant? Does he have planned to kill? Which grandfather has to be done by Karl was himself one of the big question mark. He decided to bring the letter back to the box, because the letter was supposed to be so important that, after reading the burn. The boy nerved and slump letter back . Grandfather was indeed strange, but he did not expect anything like that. And the grandfather's name was not Oskar? What's the time when he began to Kalleks?
Grandfather came home earlier than expected. "Bring out the letters from the mailbox," said the boy's grandfather Karl and since today was very attentive, he thought: "Grandpa knows how to send messages that? Does he have long been written that the unknown?" "I think that you do not mail in your inbox, you know, a remote place, the old man," said Karl, and began to fidget. "Damn it, if I say that the messages do not, then you also work!" Grandpa yelled sharply. Karlil had no choice. He rose slowly and started to walk to the mailbox. It Grandpa still bellow! If they need me as dangerous, why are they risking that I look at these letters. By doing so, pondering the boy came to the letterbox. He scrabbled letters and lidus room. Grandfather thanked and took the letters. "That's what I thought," Grandpa sighed after reading the messages. "What?" pretty Karl, who had a great astonishment that his grandfather before him, this dangerous opened the letter and read it well yet. "I went to the doctor and took blood samples and other such things. Now they arrived on the results ..... I die !!!!" blurted grandfather. Karl was startled. No, no, not after this news! How do I became a grandfather's lie to him! "Idiot," he hissed in itself. It was not until the evening began her arrive. Death ... this thing's grandfather was supposed to do!
Grandfather came home earlier than expected. "Bring out the letters from the mailbox," said the boy's grandfather Karl and since today was very attentive, he thought: "Grandpa knows how to send messages that? Does he have long been written that the unknown?" "I think that you do not mail in your inbox, you know, a remote place, the old man," said Karl, and began to fidget. "Damn it, if I say that the messages do not, then you also work!" Grandpa yelled sharply. Karlil had no choice. He rose slowly and started to walk to the mailbox. It Grandpa still bellow! If they need me as dangerous, why are they risking that I look at these letters. By doing so, pondering the boy came to the letterbox. He scrabbled letters and lidus room. Grandfather thanked and took the letters. "That's what I thought," Grandpa sighed after reading the messages. "What?" pretty Karl, who had a great astonishment that his grandfather before him, this dangerous opened the letter and read it well yet. "I went to the doctor and took blood samples and other such things. Now they arrived on the results ..... I die !!!!" blurted grandfather. Karl was startled. No, no, not after this news! How do I became a grandfather's lie to him! "Idiot," he hissed in itself. It was not until the evening began her arrive. Death ... this thing's grandfather was supposed to do!
pühapäev, 3. mai 2015
Esimene jutt
Esimese jutu nimi on: "K.a.m.p."
Karl istus oma laua taga. Ta oli jälle suveks vanaisa juurde saadetud! Milline ebaõnn! Vanaisa ja vanaema elasid lahus. Vanaema elas linnas, vanaisa maal. Vanaema juures oli veel midagi teha, aga vanaisa juures pidi ainult igavlema. Või tööd tegema. Vanaisa ise oli alatasa metsas ja töötas. Karli tööks jäi enda eest hoolitseda. Nii pidi ta igavlema umbes kolm kuud. Ema ja isa reisisid kuhugi Alaskale, et suusatada, Karl las olla vanaisa juures. Nii oli otsustatud juba siis, kui Karl sündis. "Miks mina?" mõtles ta ja seadis sammud välisukse poole. Järsku kandusid ta mõtted varastele ja mõrvaritele. Filmides oli alatasa nii, et poiss on üksi kodus ja siis tuleb mõrvar ning lööb poisi maha. Karl selliseid asju ei kartnud. Need filmid olid tobedad. Aga siiski meenus vanaisa, keda olid tabanud erinevad haigused ning ükskord tahtis temast auto üle sõita. Karl jalutas postkasti juurde. Postkast oli veel tühjendamata. Karl võttis kirjad välja ja uuris neid. Tavaliselt ei huvita poisse vanaisade kirjad. Karli huvitasid väga, kes kirjutab vanuritele ja veel mida? Äkki mõni kena daam? Karl tegi kirja lahti. Ei kirjutanud vanaisale daam, õigemini kirja saatjat ei olnudki. Kuidas postiljon sedasi kirja ära toob? Kirjal ei olnud ju vanaisa nime ega aadressi! Karlil pidi hing kinni jääma. Ta ei tahtnudki enam nii väga teada, mis kirjas seisab. Kuna Karl oli lahtise peaga poiss, sai ta aru, et kirja kirjutaja pidi ise kirja ära tooma. Post toodi tavaliselt kell üksteist ennelõunal. Karl õngitses taskust telefoni välja ning vaatas kella. Kell oli üksteist läbi viis minutit! Karli kurku tekkis klomp. Kirja tooja võis siinsamas varitseda! Justkui selle kinnituseks kuulis ta põõsast sahinat. Karl jooksis tuppa. Vanaisa juurde kituma ta minna ei kavatsenud. Korraks pidas Karl isegi aru minna õue tagasi ja näidata võõrale koht kätte, aga seda ta ei teinud. Värisevate kätega avas poiss kirja. "Tere Kalle! Mõtlesin, et teeks selle asja ära. Viimane aeg ju! Ja ära karda, Karliga tegeleme ise, ära muretse, ta ei sure. Muidugi kannatab tema kõige rohkem, mõtlesin, et ajaks süü tema kaela. Ta võib midagi teada. Ära ürita vastu punnida, muidu teeme selle asja päriselt ära. Meil pole rohkem aega. Põleta see kiri peale lugemist, olen Karli jälginud, ta tundub arukas poiss. Me ei saa riskida. Karl ehmatas nii, et pidi minema vett jooma. Mida see kõik tähendas? Kas teda on plaanitud tappa? Mille vanaisa peab ära tegema? Karl oli ise üks suur küsimärk. Ta otsustas viia kirja tagasi postkasti, sest see kiri pidi olema nii oluline, et peab pärast lugemist põletama. Poiss võttis südame rindu ja viiski kirja tagasi. Vanaisa oli küll imelik, aga midagi sellist ta oodata ei osanud. Ja kas vanaisa nimi ei olnud mitte Oskar? Mis ajast ta siis Kalleks hakkas?
Vanaisa jõudis koju oodatust varem. "Too kirjad postkastist ära," lausus vanaisa Karlile ning kuna poiss oli täna eriti tähelepanelik, mõtles ta: "Kuidas vanaisa teab, et talle kirjad on? Kas ta on selle tundmatuga juba kaua kirjutanud?" "Ma arvan, et sul ei ole postkastis kirju, tead küll, kauge koht, vana inimene," seletas Karl ning hakkas nihelema. "Kurat võtaks, kui mina ütlen, et too kirjad ära, siis sina ka tood!" röögatas vanaisa järsult. Karlil ei jäänud valikut. Ta tõusis aeglaselt ning seadis sammud postkasti juurde. Peab see vanaisa ikka röökima! Kui nad mind ohtlikuks peavad, miks nad siis riskivad, et ma vaatan neid kirju. Niiviisi mõtiskledes jõudis poiss kirjakasti juurde. Ta krahmas kirjad ning lidus tuppa. Vanaisa tänas ja võttis kirjad. "Seda ma arvasingi," ohkas vanaisa peale kirjade lugemist. "Mida?" päris Karl, kellele tuli suure imestusena, et vanaisa tema ees selle ohtliku kirja avas ja siis luges ka veel. "Ma käisin arstil ning tegin vereproovi ja muid selliseid asju. Nüüd saabusid need tulemused..... Ma s u r e n!!!!" pahvatas vanaisa. Karl ehmus. Ei ei, mitte selle uudise pärast! Kuidas sai vanaisa talle valetada! "Idioot," sisises ta omaette. Alles õhtul hakkas talle kohale jõudma. S u r m... selle asja pidigi vanaisa ära tegema!
Tere! Minu nimi on Liisa-Lotta ja olen 12. aastat vana. Mulle meeldib kirjutada. Siin blogis hakkangi avaldama oma jutte. Sooviksin saada teie tagasisidet minu juttude kohta. Hakkan postitama iga nädala tagant. Varst hakkan kirjutama ka inglise keeles!
Pretty soon I´m going to write in English!
Pretty soon I´m going to write in English!
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